About me

Where I from, What I Do, Where I live

Hi, my name is Juliano Pereira Lima. I have a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from UNIVALI. A relevant part of my graduation was also done at UEMS.

I’m from Mato-Grosso do Sul. Currently, I’m living in São Paulo, Capital.

I’m software Engineer at Nubank, working specifically in Back-End using Clojure in a very plural architecture. I have worked with Java, C#, and React in past jobs, and sometimes I still develop some stuff with these technologies (mostly for fun).

I love the Science in the Computer Science. I usually study through textbooks, presentations, events, own experiments, and scientific articles trying to understand more about the theory behind everything happening technologically in the world.

The biggest obstacles I have experienced professionally led me to study Agile. I love to study this topic, including organizational structures. This knowledge greatly increases my breadth of problem-solving and helps me a lot to develop what is really necessary.

I like to contribute to the community by participating in Meetups, writting on Dev.to and Medium and contributing to open source for projects like Sweet Alert 2 and Dev.to

I love burgers, movies, different types of beer, football(especially Corinthians), and Non-Sense Cartoons.

Regular Show

I’m a fan of pair-programming. Usually, I’m programming with Jorge.

Jorge, a very cute cat

All information published on this blog is created by me. The information on this site represents my personal opinion, and it may not be the same as yours or anyone else’s, including the company I work for.

Feel free to use the content produced here, as long as there is a reference to the original source (this blog) and there is a common agreement between the content creator and who is reproducing it.